It has been a different year for me but I am pleased to report that I am back designing at after taking an unplanned medical "vacation". And since it is September that means it is time for an update to Tea Light Village. There are two new buildings to add to the collection this year. Can you see them in the village photo?
The are right there in the lower right corner. I have added a Windmill and Well House and The Academy. I thought the village needed another tall structure to balance out the lighthouse from 2020 hence the windmill. The Academy is loosely based on the Old Center School in Coventry, CT. I attended that wooden 4 room school house for the first grade decades ago.
Both are available at the online store.
Download the cutting file here: Download the tutorials here:
Happy crafting all! Be sure to share photos of your tea light villages with me at and on the facebook and instagram crafting groups.