I create with stone - stone walls, stone sculptures, stone stacks. Here in New England the material is abundant, free and endlessly variable.
Today the sun is shinning, the chill and snow are nearly gone. I decided to rebuild my stone stacks. These were first created as a solution to hungry deer. Every purchased shrub I planted was food for the deer. My solution was to build ornamental stone trees.
This grouping sits perched on the edge of our garden looking out over the ravine. Rocks gathered from our property were used to construct them. They are all balanced and the heavy snows of winter did indeed topple them but they were quick to rebuild.
I have built little stone towers in assorted nooks around the property. This one, built of river stone, is nestled into the hillside near the stone steps leading up to David's studio.
And this tower with a decidedly oriental inspiration is created from the rectangular rocks that are so rare in our woods. I save these rocks whenever I discover them because they are precious and can be used in so many creative ways. This stack is perched on an old tree stump and is remarkably the least stable of all.
David and I have been working on our property for 35 years now, collecting stones, stacking stones, and creating landscapes that can be shared with the deer. I took this photo right outside David's studio last fall.
Deer sightings have been few since the heavy snows of January but David and I did have one bound through the woods on our walk last week.
©2011 Ashbee Design, Marji Roy