Sunday, November 22, 2015

Alternative Thanksgiving

We have already celebrated our first Thanksgiving. On November 21st we hosted "Alternative Thanksgiving" at our home. Because many of us are going in other directions for the main event, we hosted an earlier version yesterday. It was the complete deal, and I spent some time creating a new centerpiece for the table. Do you remember my log slice vases? Well, same tree but different slices and cut in half to make a quick and easy centerpiece.

A couple of years ago my husband was cutting up a downed pine tree with a hollow center. I requested some slices and have been storing them in the top of the garage. I sliced a few in half on the band saw, sanded the edges and drilled a 7/8" hole in the top for a standard candle. I also added some seed pods to the bottom of some glasses cylinders along with a sprig of bittersweet and a found feather for additional interest.

I was pleased with the final result - a nice nature inspired Thanksgiving table.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

©2015 Marji Roy, Ashbee Design

1 comment:

  1. Very nice centerpiece, love you used nature objects to decorate with. It's hard isn't it when other people have to go here and there for holidays. Our kids are kinda scattered, 2 in San Diego areas and two here in Grand Junction area. Our daughter and family like to do their own thing what ever that is each year. Sometimes they invite us over to their house for dinner or we invite them. Their oldest is at college so she'll be missed. My youngest son has their dinner with wife's family. Two oldest kids do their own thing in San Diego with friends I guess, neither one are married.
    What do your kids do? Do you have lots of family and friends you feed?
    Wat ever you do hope it is wonderful and very enjoyable. Happy Thanksgiving.
