Monday, January 28, 2019

Going Square!

Crafters requested and I listened. A number of you have requested that I offer some of my Star Shadow Boxes in a square format.  People want to put them in wooden frames behind glass in order to make a lasting keepsake.  I spent the past two weeks re-desgingin the Heart Tree Shadow Box because Valentine's Day is approaching and it would make a great gift for a significant other.
The shadow box is 11" square and designed to fit into the standard one available from I have also incorporated strings lights that come with a remote control also from Amazon. Links to the supplies are included in the tutorial.

I also added three sets of couples to this download. It comes with a male/female couple or  male/male or female/female groupings. You choose the one that matches the couple yo are featuring. And as with the original star shadow box, the letters carved into the tree are customizable.

Time for a new project?  
  • Cutting files here:
  • Video tutorial here -

Happy crafting,
