Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tea Light Village 2020 - New Buildings!

 I started Tea Light Village in 2013 and I have added to it every year. Making 3d buildings was one of the initial reasons I purchased my Silhouette and it hasn't disappointed.  For 2020 I visited the ocean. The two new additions are a classic  lighthouse with keeper's cottage and a lobster shack with little picnic tables.

It is good to have another taller structure for the village to add variety. The village has gotten so long that it is hard to photograph. My sister lent me her mantle and I made this short video.

You'll notice that it is a thinner display. I found that my standard Hexagon bases were too wide for a narrow mantle so I designed a new series that take one corner of creating and irregular pentagon. It meshes well with the pentagon base and gives you more display options. Here is the layout I used. It even includes a little gap for the covered bridge to span.

If you are interested in making the village or expanding your current one the files for the buildings and the bases are available here.
All the assembly tutorials are here. There are links to the paper and lights I used in the assembly tutorial.

Happy crafting everyone!

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