Monday, October 1, 2012

String Sculpture Model • Sculpture Week

Every year David and I take a block of time to collaborate on a large outdoor sculpture.  We are in the process of creating our own sculpture park in the woods, one sculpture at a time. Here are photos of the sculptures created in each of the last three years. We started the tradition in 2009.

2009- Trilogy
2010 - Flexibility
2011 - Lost Marbles
Traditionally we have taken one week in the summer but because I have retired from the day job I now have flexible scheduling as well. We decided to move Sculpture Week into the fall. It is such a beautiful time to be outdoors.

All year we discuss the possibilities. We collect ideas. We think about it. As time draws near we select a concept and research construction techniques. Sometimes a model is built to test out proportions or materials. That is where we are at in the process for 2012. David and I decided on creating a large scale string art construction this year. Today, I finished the scale model and it is a nifty sculpture in its own right.

It is constructed from PVC pipe (We tend to use that a lot!) and nylon string. For those of you that follow my blog regularly, you'll know that I have a strong learning toward natural elements. This post might be a surprise to you. I also have a strong affinity to geometry and art that incorporates math elements. String art falls into this category. I love how the structure of just straight lines creates visual curves.

Items under discussion are:

  • Scale (How big can we go?)
  • Technique (How to tension the cord)
  • Color scheme (We want it to stand out in the forest.)
  • Stabile or mobile (Do we suspend it so it can spin in the wind?)

My next post will show you some of the "How-To" steps in creating this scale model. Drop by again.

Update: I just posted the tutorial for this project here.

Previous links of interest:

©2011 Ashbee Design, Marji Roy


  1. What amazing imagination and fun the pair of you have. Love each of your creations and will watch with interest as this one grows.

    1. Thanks Merry. Our hope is to carve out some time in the next two weeks to build a large scale exterior version. We'll let the weather decide.
