Sunday, November 27, 2011

DIY Christmas Tree Ornament #2 • Screening

I have found aluminum screening to be an excellent material to work. I have only just begun to explore the possibilities of using it for Christmas Tree ornaments.  It started with the first ornament in yesterday's post here. Today's is a rosette design combining the aluminum with red wooden beads.

Supplies needed
  • 1 piece aluminum window screening 6" w x 20" long - I purchased 1 roll of 36" x 84" bright Aluminum screening at Lowes. You can vary the size to create different sized ornaments.
  • 20  - 1/2" wooden red beads - I bought red bead garland and cut them off.
  • 3 feet 1/8"wide red satin ribbon
  • dull scissors (Save your old ones for this type of project. Don't use your sewing shears!)
  • big darning needle (large enough to thread 1/8" ribbon through)
  • gloves - to protect your hands
  • ruler
  • marker

  • Measure a 6" x 20" strip of Aluminum screening.
  • Use a permanent marker to mark it.
  • Put on some thin gloves to protect your hands.
  • Using old, dull scissors cut the screening.

  • Place the screen along a sharp edge (I used my desk surface) and bend back about 3/4" along both long edges.  
  • The desk edge helps create a straight line. This finishes the rough edges.

  •  Fold back both long edges and crease.

  • I used the handle of my shears to crisp the crease.

  • Fold the entire length of the the 20" piece into a zig zag fan with each fold being about 1".
  • Crease them as you move along.

  • Thread a piece of 1/8" red satin ribbon and stitch through the center of the fan.
  • Create a loop about 2" longer than the ornament and thread back down through the center again. This will form a loop to hang the ornament from.

  • Tie a knot close to the screening on both sides of the the aluminum.  This will hold the pleated screen together tight in the center.

  • Get another pice of ribbon about 2' long and thread it on to the needle.  
  • Thread the needle through the first fold of the fan about 3/4" down from the end. Leave about 4 " extra ribbon dangling at the end. You will tie up to it again when you have completed the circle.
  • Thread a red wooden bead on to the needle.

  • Push the needle through the next fold of the fan aiming for the same placement - about 3/4" down from the end.
  • Add another bead.
  • Thread through another section of the fan fold.

  • Continue working your way around the circle.
  • Connect the split between the two halves of screening.
  • Continue until you have completed a circle of red beads. 

  • Tie the end of the ribbon to the beginning pulling tight to hold the beads in a circle.
  • Take some leftover screen and pull off an aluminum thread from the cut edge.
  • Use this aluminum thread to "stitch" together the seam where the two halves of the fan meet. You don't need a needle - just thread it through and twist the ends together.
  • I found two stitches on the front and one or two on the back joined together the halves. It smoothed out the opening between the halves and made for a more complete circle.

The end result is a beautiful rosette ornament.

You can vary the size and the number of fan folds to change the proportions. A trio of these rosettes in varying sizes would make a wonderful window ornament.

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©2011 Ashbee Design, Marji Roy

1 comment:

  1. I love the use of aluminum! How wonderfully creative! The aluminum/silver color is a natural for the season...they look modern and festive! I would love to have you share them at my party!
