Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pipes again!

As I was hunting for the photos of my Bicycle Chain sculpture yesterday I discovered a slide of my Nonsense pipe sculpture also from my college years.  I lived in a basement apartment that was filled with a labyrinth of pipes. I constructed a series of ceramics pipes and this design was my favorite. It does exactly what you see - comes out, turns around and returns. I had it hanging right in the middle of my living room wall (an exterior wall no less) and it often started conversations.

I have always viewed pipes as a material for things other than plumbing. I am not the only one. Here are a couple of of other applications...

This is one of a series of coat racks using a creative pipe application designed by Nick Fraser Design. He also did some candelabra designs. via/w ooh ome

And the last entry definitely made me smile.

It is available from Wire & Twine which is a creative company that should be bookmarked for occasional visits. It is unique collection of gifts and creative ideas put together in an online store. And yes, they have a matching towel rack!

Now combine some of my other themes. Is adding toilet paper origami to this a little too much? via/DesignSwan

And unbelievably there is a book on that! Here from Amazon is Toilet Paper Origami!

Previous Posts of Interest:

©2011 Ashbee Design, Marji Roy

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